Error Unorthodoxy vs Orthodoxy - OnlineGatha-The Endless tale

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Unorthodoxy vs Orthodoxy
Unorthodoxy vs Orthodoxy

Ebook : 150 INR     Paperback : 250 INR

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ISBN : 9789390538744

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No one feel the pain of sensitive heart except the writer himself.
The poet does not know the boundary of limitations. He just express the pain and his heart bleeds and raw emotion explores and start flowing.
I never care the limitation of my language and grammar of language. Just I felt the pain of any living being and my raw emotion just gripped me forcing me to pour out my raw feeling.
Just feel emotion of my poetry and do not bisect the theme of poetry.

Publisher : Onlinegatha

Edition : 1

ISBN : 9789390538744

Number of Pages : 108

Weight : 200 gm

Binding Type : Ebook , Paperback

Paper Type : Cream Paper(70 GSM)

Language : English

Category : Poetry

Uploaded On : January 15,2021

Partners : google play , Amazon , Flipkart , Kobo

No one feel the pain of sensitive heart except the writer himself. The poet does not know the boundary of limitations. He just express the pain and his heart bleeds and raw emotion explores and start flowing. I never care the limitation of my language and grammar of language. Just I felt the pain of any living being and my raw emotion just gripped me forcing me to pour out my raw feeling. Just feel emotion of my poetry and do not bisect the theme of poetry.
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Ebook : 150 INR

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